Appointments 3861 0203

Opening hours

8:30am to 5:30pm
Phone 07 3861 0203.    For after-hours emergencies call QVS, 45 Haywood Street Stafford 4053  (07) 3559 5333

9:00am to 10:45am – Closed on Long Weekends
Phone 07  3861 0203   For  after-hours emergencies call QVS 45 Haywood Street Stafford 4053  (07) 3559 5333

Closed –
For  after-hours emergencies call QVS 45 Haywood Street Stafford 4053  (07) 3559 5333

Our professionals

Find out about the professional veterinarians at Wooloowin Animal Hospital

Our professionals

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Our Services

Wooloowin Animal Hospital offers both General Practice and more specialised services

Our Services

Health & Maintenance

Find out how you can keep your pet fit and healthy

Health & Maintenance

Your local and regional veterinary practice since 1973

Wooloowin Animal Hospital is a fully contained veterinary practice able to diagnosis and treat most health conditions as well doing vaccinations, desexings, heartworm and arthritis injections and all routine health care. It also has the equipment to do advanced diagnostic procedures and advanced surgery, if and when needed.

All the veterinarians love animals and know pets are part of the family. They continually upgrade their training to ensure the best care for your pets. The only people in the building are vets. They answer the phones, They meet and greet at the front door. Vets are the professionals you want advice from. Don’t waste time talking with others. Wooloowin is a locally owned, stand alone practice; not part of a chain, not a branch, not part of a group. The practice is entirely independent and has its own culture. No one is on commission. There is no commercial bias. Such a taint-free culture is very rare in private practice today. All the vets work out what is best for individual pets, not what someone gets more money from. There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to prescribed treatments.

The modern continually upgraded well equiped premises is not a ‘hole in the wall’ in a row of shops. There are loads of off-street parking so it is easy to bring pets straight to the front door without stress to them. More hardstand parking for a veterinary practice than for postcodes around. Social distancing is also easy. No need to mix unnecessarily with other people to see a vet.

Wooloowin Animal Hospital  Phone 3861 0203
Corner of Rose Street and Kent Road, 86 Kent Road Wooloowin Brisbane QLD 4030